
Director of Patient Advocacy

Ryan Dant is a rare disease survivor who was diagnosed with a rare disease at the age of 3.  He has strived to work to educate and facilitate a relationship between the patients, the rare disease community, and pharmaceutical companies. He has delivered many keynote addresses world-wide at different pharmaceutical companies and Rare disease non-profits to help inform Bio Tech firms what it is like being a rare disease patient and what rare disease patients are seeking.

Ryan graduated from the University of Louisville in 2017 with a B.A. majoring in Sports Administration.  During his time in high school, junior college, 4-year college, and working with the San Francisco 49ers equipment staff, he was a student equipment manager focused on serving the athletes and coaches.  His love of sports along with his fight to overcome his rare disease led him to work in the hospital environment.

At Grace Science Foundation, Ryan looks forward to helping integrate the relationship between the rare disease families and Grace Science Foundation.

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