
Rakuten Inc.

Mr. Hiroshi Mikitani founded Rakuten, Inc. in February 1997 and has been its Chairman of Rakuten, Inc. since February 2001. Mr. Mikitani has been President of Rakuten, Inc. since February 1997 and its Chief Executive Officer since March 2004.

He has been Chairman and Team Owner of Rakuten Baseball, Inc. since August 2012. He has been the President and Representative Partner of Crimson Group Co., Ltd since February 1996. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Rakuten Affiliate Network.

Prior to Rakuten, he established a consulting business, Crimson Group in 1996. Prior to Crimson Group, Mr. Mikitani worked at the Industrial Bank of Japan, Ltd. (now, Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd.) from April 1988 to 1996. He served as a Principal at Crimson Global Internet Fund. He served as President of Fusion Communications Corporation until November 1, 2007.

He has been Chairperson of Rakuten Travel, Inc. since August 2002 and Crimson Football Club, Inc. since April 2006. He has been President of Board of Directors of PRICEMINISTER S.A.S since November 2010. He serves as Chairman of Rakuten Kobo Inc. (currently Rakuten Kobo Inc.). He has been Chairman of Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra since October 2011. He served as Chairman of Rakuten Baseball, Inc. since January 2008. He served as Chairman of Fusion Communications Corporation since August 2007. He has been Director of Rakuten, Inc. since February 1997. He serves as a Director of AirAsia Japan Co., Ltd. He has been Representative Director of Crimson Group Co., Ltd since February 1996. He serves as a Director of Rakuten Media Investment, Inc. He has been Representative Director of Japan e-business Association (currently Japan Association of New Economy) since February 2010. He has been Representative Director of Rakuten Baseball, Inc. since August 2012 and served the same position since January 2008. He has been Director of Kobo Inc. since January 2014 and previously served the same position since January 2012. He served as an External Director of NEXT Co., Ltd. since May 2002. Mr. Hiroshi served as a Director of CyberAgent Inc. (formerly, Cyber Agent Ltd.). He served as Director of Culture Convenience Club Co., Ltd. He was a Member of Executive Council of Unison Capital, Inc.

Mr. Mikitani received his MBA from Harvard Business School in May 1993. He holds Bachelor of Commerce from Hitotsubashi University.

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