To Our Sweet Boy Nicholas on Your 3rd Birthday!


by Vanessa

To our dear sweet Nicholas, Happy 3rd Birthday!!! You have come so far in these past 3 years and we are all so proud of you. You have shown us that you really are a fighter, you will never give up! There is a light that glows from your smiling face that melts our hearts. Everyone who meets you simply just falls in love. Even though there is not much conversation, you still engage in your own way. You clap your hands when you are proud and when we say we love you, you blow us a kiss. You, Nicholas, are the absolute best son, brother and child God every created.

Just like last year you will be eating an Elmo cake since he is your favorite. This year your sister Mia is very excited to be helping make it from scratch adding her favorite Nutella! Gift ideas are also a little easier this year since you are exploring new ways to use your hands. You love to play with anything that buckles, opens, closes or that you can chew on. In addition, Daddy created a rock wall for you so you can practice wall walking and your sister can climb to the ceiling.

If your diagnosis taught us one thing it’s to live every day like it is your last, to take the good moments with the bad ones and to never give up. There are days that you have that bring joy to our hearts because on those days life seems to be good for you. You smile, eat all your meals, and don't get that frustrated. But then we have those days that just seem impossible. Every minute feels like an eternity. But on those days when you can’t fight, remember that we will always be there beside you to fight for you. We celebrate you on this day and all the good and bad days you have overcome. You will be starting a new school that will aid in your developmental growth. We are so excited for this new journey to begin and cannot wait to watch you learn and grow. As your parents we promise to do all we can to make your life easier. We pray every day that you and all of our NGLY1 kids be cured.

Sweet loving Nick Nick…enjoy your special day, eat your cake and keep being you! Words cannot even express the love we have for you!

Love, Daddy, Mommy and Mia


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