Pixar Event Funds an Entire Year's Salary!


By Kristen Wilsey

Our exclusive screening and inaugural fundraising event at Disney Pixar was a tremendous success! We gathered to not only raise funds for rare disease research, but also to have a great time together. Guests were treated to a special evening including a tour of the Pixar headquarters, located in Emeryville, CA. First envisioned by Steve Jobs, the whimsical and industrial setting was the perfect location to bring awareness to rare disease, which impacts an estimated 350 million people worldwide. Following the tour, guests were treated to a remarkable dinner of cowboy chili, dino flatbread, campfire s’mores and more.


The Good Dinosaur is Pixar's most graphically stunning feature yet and we were honored and excited to be among the first to view it this evening. After the screening, attendees were able to chat with the filmmakers about their creative process and all of the hard work that went into a project like The Good Dinosaur.


For this event we are proud to have partnered with Global Genes, KCNQ2 Cure Alliance, & Sweet Iris to advance life-saving rare disease research. Like rare disease research as a whole, this was a group effort. We’d like to thank the many friends and supporters for making the event an unforgettable night from purchasing tickets, donating auction items, inviting friends, and volunteering to make the evening a success, both for attendees and the partner organizations we gathered to support. Proceeds from this one evening raised enough money to pay for the salary and benefits of a post-doc working 100% on NGLY1 Deficiency for an entire year!



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