Happy 14th to our Beautiful Boy Benjamin


by Victoria and Peter

A happy birthday message to our beautiful boy Benjamin on his 14th birthday.

You give us so much joy. Life has been an adventure and a journey of discovery since you came into the world. You never cease to amaze us with your fantastic sense of humour and beautiful smile.

Benjamin takes great pleasure in holding hands and sharing the best bits of Peppa Pig and super simple songs. Benjamin loves a foot massage, playing with water, being in water, flipping pages of books, watching bubbles and cuddles. Benjamin also enjoys holding faces of people he loves and looking into their eyes.

He takes great pleasure from musical toys and has a general love of music. His favourite song is Jump the line by Harry Belafonte. The joy in his face is a delight to behold.

Benjamin also enjoys tin arts at school, and has recently started doing Zumba.

Regarding Benjamin's health, he is due for spinal fusion surgery shortly. We've had covid 19 in our household twice during the pandemic and Benjamin suffered slight cold symptoms.

Overall he is doing really well and is just a pleasure to be around; he recently returned to school and he loves it.


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