Cell Repository: Coriell Institute for Medical Research


By Matt Wilsey

Improving the speed and efficiency of rare disease research is so important to curing NGLY1. In order to help the research process, it is important to streamline the way scientists procure tissue and cells.

A helpful partner in this effort is the Coriell Institute for Medical Research. They are an internationally acclaimed cell repository center based in New Jersey and they allow researchers to quickly and easily get tissue and cells without requiring us to coordinate shipments (or go back into the lab).

More info can be found via the two links below:



Several Grace Science Foundation clinicians and researchers recommended to me that we get NGLY1 lines there as soon as possible to speed up research.  We have a few lines already in the catalog, but we need more.

I would encourage you all to participate to remove some friction in our quest for a cure.  In Grace's case, her cells stopped growing in several labs.  It took Kristen and me many weeks to get a new line operational.  Coriell could have fixed that problem quickly.

In addition to the links above, please find a video below that provides an excellent overview of what Coriell does and why it's important:


I hope you are interested in participating, please contact Tara Schmidlen:

Tara J. Schmidlen, MS, CGC
Certified Genetic Counselor
NIGMS Human Genetic Cell Repository & Coriell Personalized Medicine Collaborative
Coriell Institute for Medical Research
403 Haddon Avenue
Camden, NJ 08103


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